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Requesting a document located in the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec

Always consult your library's catalogue to make sure it doesn't have the desired document in its collections.

If this search is unsuccessful, run a search in the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec to precisely locate the desired document and obtain it through interlibrary loan (ILL).

You can send your ILL request online if your library is a participating library in the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec. Your library will borrow for you the document from another library and contact you when it has received it.

If your library does not participate in the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec, please contact it to know ILL terms and conditions.



How to search for a document in the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec

Run a search in the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec and automatically complete an ILL request form. This eliminates copying errors and speeds up your library's validation process.

If there are no search results, use the form provided by clicking on "ILL request" in the menu at the left of the screen. Provide as much information as possible to ensure speedy document validation and search process.

Standard search

1. Enter the search terms. 2. Click on [SEARCH].

Advanced search

1. Select the appropiate field. 2. Enter the search terms. 3. Select the required operator. 4. Limit your search, if need be. 5. Click on [SEARCH].


2. Display of search results and document request

Click on the Details icon to display the details. Click on the Save icon to add the result to the "Saved List". Click on the Get It icon to get the document. You will be asked to sign-in.

Detailed display of search results

Click on the Save icon to add the result to "Saved List". Click on the Get It icon to get the document. You will be asked to sign-in.

3. How to sign in

1. Enter User ID (also called PIN or subscriber number). 2. Enter your Password. 3. Select Library of Attachment. 4. Click on [SUBMIT].


4. How to submit an ILL request form

4.1 Check and complete the fields on the form

1. Select "Loan" to request a document loan. Select "Copy" to request copy of a magazine or newspaper article or of part of a book. 2. If it is a copy of a magazine or newspaper article or part of a book, please provide the requested information.

3. If your request concerns a book, enter is ISBN (10 or 13 digits), if possible. If your request concerns a journal, magazine or newspaper, enter its ISSN (8 digits), if possible. 4. Select the date after which you do not wish to receive the document. Use the calendar. 5. Enter the maximum amount (in dollars) that you are willing to pay if the lending library charges fees. Do not add periods, commas or text in this field. 6. Enter all the complementary information regarding the request. 7. Click on [SUBMIT] to send the request to the ILL service. The ILL system will confirm the request registration

4.2 Confirm that the request has been recorded

The registration of this request is confirmed by the attribution of a number


5. How to track a request

5.1 Access "My Requests"

You must first sign in to the system. See Section 3 "How to sign in".

In the menu at the left of the screen, click on "My Requests", then on "Search!"

Consult the "Status" field for information on the progress of your request. Click on the "View" icon to display the detailed description. Click on the "Cancel" icon to request the cancellation of your request.

5.2 List of ILL statuses

The statuses are the various stages in the progress of a request or document.

Status Definition
Idle The request has been received by your library's ILL service and will be processed soon.
Pending The request has been sent to a potential lending library. Your library is awaiting an answer.
Shipped The document has been sent to your library by the lending library. Your library will contact you when it has received the document.
Not supplied Three possibilities: 1. The document cannot be located. 2. The document cannot be loaned. 3. The potential lending library cannot supply the document. Your library is looking for another library to supply the document.


The lending library has set conditions for accepting the request. Your library will contact you, if need be.
Cancel pending Cancellation has been requested. Your library awaits an answer from the lending library and will inform you of the decision.
Cancelled The request has been cancelled and the account is closed.
Received The document has been received and will soon be available. Your library's ILL service will contact you by e-mail or phone.
Renewal pending A loan renewal request has been sent to the lending library. Your library awaits an answer and will inform you of the decision.
Overdue The loan period for your document has expired. Please return the document to your library as quickly as possible.
Returned The document has been returned to the lending library. The account is closed.
Lost The document is lost. Your library will contact you, if need be.
Damaged The document is damaged. Your library will contact you, if need be.
Recalled The lending library is asking that the document be returned. Please return the document to your library as quickly as possible.

6. Borrowing conditions

The terms and conditions of the ILL service are determined by your library (maximum number of borrowed documents, requests for reproductions, fees, conditions, receipts, returns, renewals, etc.).

The borrowing conditions (loan period, cost, possibility of renewal, restrictions including on-site consultation, etc.) are determined by the lending libraries..


7. How to request a cancellation

When you click on "Cancel", a cancellation request is sent to your library's ILL service. The staff tracks the progress of the request before the authorization. If the progress is too advanced, for instance if it is at the "Shipped" status, the cancellation will be denied.


8. How to request a loan renewal through ILL

When you click on "Renew", a loan renewal request is sent to your library's ILL service. The staff checks that the lending library agrees to renew the loan and informs you of the decision. If the renewal is accepted, a new return date will be set.


9. How to sign out

In the menu at the left of the screen, click on "Sign Out" to exit the system securely.


10. For more information

In the menu at the left of the screen, click on "Help" to access the online help. You can also refer to Frequently asked questions or contact your library's ILL service.
