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Privacy policy

Thank you for visiting the Web site of the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec and for reading its privacy policy. The Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec takes all necessary precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of personal information. In this respect, it acts in accordance with the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information (hereinafter, the Act respecting Access).

Information transmitted automatically

When you access the site, information is exchanged automatically between your computer and our server, without your intervention. Your identity is not revealed. The information exchanged is as follows:

  • The name of the Internet domain and the IP address with which you access our site (the IP address is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider every time you browse the Web)
  • The type of browser and the operating system you use
  • The date and time you access our site
  • The different pages you view and the length of time they are viewed
  • If you access our site from another site, the address of that site

Information used for technological and statistical purposes

The Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec keeps the data required to compile statistics on numbers of visitors, most frequently visited pages, technologies used by clients of the Web portal, referencing sites and countries of origin of Internet users. This information is used solely for non-identifying technical and statistical purposes and will never be used to draw up, communicate or exchange lists of users.

In addition, spyware may detect cookies associated with the Google Analytics statistical tool on the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec Web portal. These cookies do not pose a security risk.

If you transmit personal information to us

If you voluntarily send us personal information by e-mail or electronic form, we will only use the information required to respond to your message and follow up on your request. Electronic messages are subject to the same confidentiality measures as regular mail.

The use of the Interlibrary Loan Service requires the transmission of personally identifiable information. These are held in the system's database on U.S.-based cloud servers hosted by service provider OCLC. This personal information benefits from protection equivalent to that provided for by Québec laws.

The personal information transmitted will never be used to draw up or prepare user profiles, and will not be communicated, shared, exchanged or transmitted to a third party, unless there is a legal constraint, explicit consent or an agreement duly approved in accordance with the Act respecting Access.

In keeping with the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, if we ask you to provide personal information, you will be informed beforehand of the following elements:

  • The name and address of the public body on behalf of which the information is collected
  • The intended use of the information
  • The categories of people who will have access to the information
  • The mandatory or optional nature of the request
  • The consequences of a refusal to reply
  • The right to access and correct the information, as provided for in the Act respecting Access


The current version of the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec is based on cookies. Cookies are data transmitted by the server to the browser when a Web site is accessed. They make it possible to identify uniquely the connection in progress. Cookies are used to trace search histories and baskets (bibliographic entries temporarily saved) for a given session.

If it is impossible for you to use the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec you may have to activate your browser's cookie option.

Note that depending on the configuration, when you activate the cookie option, you may be allowing other servers to install cookies in your system. You can define the parameters of your browser so that it informs you of the presence of cookies, thereby leaving it up to you to accept them or not.

Other sites

Our site contains hyperlinks to other sites. When you follow these links, you leave the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec site. The information then exchanged is no longer subject to the privacy policy of the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec.